Side Meetings


Building Partnerships for Data and Health Metrics Capacity for Better Health in the ASEAN region - Updates from Cambodia and Lao PDR


  • 14:00 - 17:30 HRS. (BKK)

  • Contact Person : Piya Hanvoravongchai,

  • CMB Foundation

CMB's commitment to strengthening health systems in the ASEAN region is rooted in the understanding that health is fundamental to economic prosperity and social development. The PMAC 2024 side-meeting entitled “Launch of an ASEAN partnership to build health performance, resilience, and epidemic preparedness in Cambodia and other countries” highlighted the stark disparities in health outcomes across the region, particularly for low-resource countries, and underscored the urgent need for collaborative action to enhance health system resilience and preparedness, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The partnership fostered at the PMAC 2024 led to a serie of activities in two ASEAN countries, namely Cambodia and Lao PDR.

This closed meeting will provide a platform for CMB and its partners to discuss progress and challenges in building data and health systems capacity in Cambodia and Laos. It will focus on sharing updates from these countries, identifying key learnings, and exploring opportunities for enhanced collaboration and support. The meeting will also serve as a venue to align strategies and ensure coordinated efforts among CMB partners in advancing health data and health metrics initiatives in the region.

  • Share updates on CMB-supported initiatives related to data and health metrics capacity in Cambodia and Laos: Highlight key achievements, challenges encountered, and lessons learned in implementing these initiatives.
  • Foster dialogue and knowledge exchange among CMB partners: Facilitate a collaborative discussion on best practices, emerging trends, and innovative approaches in strengthening data systems and health metrics capacity.
  • Identify opportunities for synergistic partnerships and coordinated action: Explore ways to leverage the expertise and resources of CMB partners to maximize impact and ensure sustainable progress in Cambodia and Laos. Provide strategic guidance for future program development and resource allocation in the ASEAN region.