Digital and technology disruption has significantly led the healthcare quality improvement. High-Tech refers to introducing the technological advancements in the process of healthcare services such as, artificial intelligence (AI), new technological technics and machines to provide more effective, accurate, and efficient. However, equity issue is sometimes raised in those accessibility for vulnerable group. On the one hand, High-Touch is defined as human and personalized skill to understand the patients’ needs. This soft-skill is important for healthcare workers to provide more appropriate and comprehensive treatment and approach.
Good health and well-being can be achieved through the reform of primary health care. Health workforce in particular community nurses could play crucial roles in enhancing accessibility and quality of health care service with the integration of high technology and high touch at the primary care level. In this side meeting, the important role of community nurses in healthcare institution and community nursing clinics are to be emphasized. National policy, governance, service provision, facilitating factors, challenges and opportunities of community nurses are to be demonstrated by countries’ experiences globally. Recommendations on how to strengthen and sustain quality of community nursing services in particular nurse clinics to enhance health equity, UHC and SDG-3 will be provided.