Side Meetings


What is next after HSR2024? – Joining force with the communities of practice for health policy and systems research in Asia Pacific -


  • 09:00 - 12:30 HRS. (BKK)

  • Contact Person : Saeda Makimoto,

  • Japan International Cooperation Agency
  • Nagasaki University

As we need to make a big stride to achieve universal health coverage in each country as well as to strengthen global health architecture to ensure collective action in times of health emergency, there is an increasing demand for quality health policy and systems research (HPSR) as a trusted source of evidence for decision making. Asia and Pacific, with its geographical, demographic, epidemiological, economic, socio-cultural and political diversity, has a lot to offer to the global community though HPSR based on their own development experiences. Many actors are involved in HPSR and their networks are being strengthened enriching the landscape in the region.

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), together with Nagasaki University and other global/local partners, will host the 8th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (HSR2024) in Nagasaki, Japan, in November 2024, in part to strengthening knowledge sharing based on HPSR regionally as well as globally, attracting active participation of researcher/practitioner community. The event took place along side the political decision made by the Government of Japan to host UHC Knowledge Hub in Japan, which will be jointly managed by WHO and the World Bank.

  • To share reflections from HSR2024
  • To deepen the shared understanding on HPSR landscape in Asia Pacific and other regions
  • To identify key actors and networks for HPSR, focusing on Asia Pacific with a vision for intra- as well as inter-regional networking and collaboration
  • To discuss and identify areas of effective regional cooperation to strengthen HPSR in Asia Pacific and beyond, including potential role for Japan to join force