Meg Davis

University of Warwick

United Kingdom
Professor Sara (Meg) Davis is professor of Digital Health and Rights at the University of Warwick’s Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies, and the principal investigator of the Digital Health and Rights Project, an international research and advocacy consortium. She has over twenty years’ experience in global health and human rights as a scholar and practitioner, and is the author of two books, most recently The Uncounted: Politics of data in global health (Cambridge 2020). She earned her PhD at the University of Pennsylvania and held postdoctoral fellowships at Yale University and UCLA. She was China researcher at Human Rights Watch, and founding executive director of Asia Catalyst, which trained hundreds of community-based organizations on governance and human rights. At the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria, Dr. Davis led early work to operationalise the Fund’s commitments on human rights. She has held visiting fellowships at New York University, Columbia University, and Fordham University and taught at the Geneva Centre for Humanitarian Studies, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Temple University, Yale University, and University of Pennsylvania. Her consulting clients have included UNDP, UNAIDS, IFRC, ICRC, Global Fund Board delegations, and civil society networks. In 2017, she was one of three winners of the International Geneva Award.


PL 2
Ethical Technology: For Whom, by Whom and for What Purposes

09.00 - 10.00 (BKK)