NAME : Trisnasari
eRA COMMONS USER NAME (credential, e.g., agency login): trisnasari
POSITION TITLE: Primary Benefit Assurance Policy Officer
University of Sumatera Utara/MD/Dec-2009/Medicine
Mahidol University/MPHM/Dec-2009/Primary Health Care
A. Personal Statement
I am a primary benefit assurance policy officer who works in the Social Security Administrator for Health in Indonesia (BPJS Kesehatan). Working in the social insurance industry at the policy-making level, I have a good understanding of the health service financing system, which is reinforced by specialized training in areas like advanced health finance and data-driven policymaking. I am accustomed to using data to analyze issues before offering suggestions for bettering health service programs. In addition, I and my team collaborate with various stakeholders to enhance the health service system through social insurance, including those at the ministry, institutional, and regional government levels and others. My responsibilities include managing referral systems and payment systems for primary healthcare facilities. In addition, I and my team are in charge of creating social insurance plans for the management of chronic diseases. In 2022, I have the opportunity to continue my education majoring in primary health care at Mahidol University and deepen my managerial knowledge. Currently, I and my team are developing a digital system to integrate primary care and referral services in order to preserve the continuity of medical care. In conclusion, I am motivated, knowledgeable, and equipped to fulfill my responsibilities in creating programs and enhancing the healthcare system.
B. Positions and Scientific Appointments
2023 – Present Primary Benefit Assurance Policy Officer, BPJS Kesehatan
2022 – 2023 Learning Implementation Officer, BPJS Kesehatan
2016 – 2022 Claims Verification Officer, BPJS Kesehatan
2014 – 2016 General Practitioner, Mampang Prapatan Regional Hospital
2011 – 2014 General Practitioner, Persahabatan Central Hospital
2009 – Present Member, Indonesian Medical Association
C. Contributions to Science
1. My article focused on the difficulties in implementing Social Health Insurance (SHI), particularly in low- and middle-income nations that lacked prepayment systems and risk-pooling tools and resources to ensure access to high-quality medical care. One of the most popular methods for raising money and combining resources to cover medical expenses is the implementation of social health insurance, which has assisted numerous nations in achieving universal health coverage. Despite its many benefits, the nation may face financial difficulties as a result of the imbalance between the high cost of health care and the low income from SHI participants' noncompliance with payment obligations. This publication gives policymakers insight into how to increase SHI participants' compliance in paying contributions by highlighting the fact that participants' non-compliance is not solely influenced by economic conditions, but also by motivating factors and opportunities.
Trisnasari, Laosee O, Rattanapan C, Janmaimool P. Assessing the determinants of compliance with contribution payments to the National Health Insurance Scheme among informal Workers in Indonesia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023 Nov 30;20(23):7130.