PS 1.3

Expanding Tech-enabled Solutions for Service Delivery


  • 14.00 - 16.00 HRS. (BKK)

Expanding tech-enabled solutions for service delivery in low- and middle-income countries presents significant opportunities and challenges. The integration of digital health technologies, such as telemedicine, mobile health applications, and electronic health records, can bridge gaps in access to healthcare, improve service efficiency, remove service delivery bottlenecks, provide new services not otherwise available, enhance patient outcomes and enhance public health efforts. These technologies can extend healthcare services to remote and underserved areas, reducing the burden on physical infrastructure, address the scarcity of health workers, and enabling more equitable access to care. However, challenges remain, including issues related to digital literacy, data privacy, and the need for robust regulatory frameworks to ensure the quality and safety of these services. Additionally, there are barriers related to infrastructure, such as inconsistent internet connectivity and limited access to digital devices, which must be addressed to fully realize the potential of tech-enabled solutions in transforming healthcare service delivery. 

1. To showcase tech-enabled solutions in preventive, promotive, and curative service delivery for communicable and non-communicable diseases

2. To highlight practical and scalable digital solutions to tackle service delivery bottlenecks

3. To provide practical implementation know-how of how digital solutions can be used for supply-side and demand-side interventions (including behavioral change interventions)



Yhuko Ogata